

Stormarknader utarmar städerna

Inslag om Boverkets utredning



”Framöver ser vi nog en kris för köpcentrum”



Fish take over abandoned Thai mall

The New World Mall, in Bangkok, was closed in 1997 after it was found to have breached building regulations, before a fire in 1999 left it without a roof.

Rainwater slowly filled the building with water, causing a major mosquito problem. In an effort to rid themselves of the pests, the locals introduced freshwater talapia fish to eat the insects.



Ett Bromma Block senare

Jonas Bergman

Bromma Blocken . Har ni varit där ? förhoppningsvis inte , det är inget roligt där alls . Det är flera Block med gallerior typ , lite svårt att förklara något som borde vara enkelt , men i sin storhet därute mitt i ingenstans vid flygplatsen eller det som finns kvar av den . Där ligger dom . Dom ger mig trots volymen klaustrofobi , jag får en känsla av att jag måste rymma . Panik . Jag vill tillbaka till dålighetsliv och tvivelaktigt beteende samtidigt som jag tvingas shoppa mig fri på onödiga grejer . Jag åkte dit för att fixa en dragkjedja något man skulle kunna tro att dom borde ha på 50 . 000 tusen kvadratkilometer affärer varav minst hälften utav dom säljer saker / kläder med dragkjedja . Men icke  . Nu är flykten nära , huvudet dunkar , jag passerar den gigantiska Systemet butiken igen ….. Då dyker den upp där en Juice Bar !



The challenges of out-of-town retail

by Mark Faithfull on October 5, 2018

Much of the peripheral retail real estate around French towns and cities is no longer fit for purpose, but simply building new space may not necessarily be the best answer.

President and chairman of CNCC Antoine Frey adds that first generation retail parks – many which opened in the 1980s and 1990s – “are obviously becoming obsolete. They were often built without coherent planning, poor accessibility and the total absence of sustainability demands.”

He cites Coeur Picardie in Amiens and Promenade de Flandre in Lille as examples of a new breed of retail park, which also appeals to investors, with yields compressing as a result.

“Very clearly, the paradigm has changed,” he says.



"Vi besökte IKEA:s första butik i centrala Stockholm - och det här förändrar allt"

 VA har besökt Ikeas unika nya butik mitt i Stockholm, som öppnar idag.



Ikea-möbler körs för slavlöner

Lastbilschaufförer från östra Europa kör Ikea-möbler mellan länderna för småpengar och har bilarna som hem månadsvis. Nu stämmer en av dem, med en månadslön på motsvarande 5 000 kronor, sin arbetsköpare i dansk domstol. Det är inte första gången som usla villkor för underleverantörernas chaufförer uppmärksammas i Europa.



Peripheral urbanization:

Autoconstruction, transversal logics, and politics in cities of the global south

Teresa PR Caldeira

Many cities around the world have been largely constructed by their residents, who build not only their own houses, but also frequently their neighborhoods. In this article, I use the notion of peripheral urbanization to analyze this way of producing cities that is quite pervasive in the global south. I argue that peripheral urbanization refers to modes of the production of space that (a) operate with a specific temporality and agency, (b) engage transversally with official logics, (c) generate new modes of politics, and (d) create highly unequal and heterogeneous cities. I also argue that peripheral urbanization not only produces heterogeneity within the city as it unfolds over time, but also varies considerably from one city to another. I build my arguments by juxtaposing dissimilar cases from a few cities in the global south. To focus on peripheral urbanization means simultaneously to de-center urban theory and to offer a bold characterization of modes of the production of space that are different from those that generated the cities of the North Atlantic.



Stormarknader ökar växthuseffekten

GÖTEBORG. Tar du ofta bilen till en stormarknad utanför Göteborg? Då är du en miljöbov. Enligt Svenska naturskyddsföreningen bidrar stormarknaderna till att fler tar bilen - och därmed förvärrar växthuseffekten.


- Kommunerna måste anpassa stadsplaneringen till klimathotet. När man lägger externa köpcenter utanför tätorterna vet vi att det skapar ett ökat bilberoende och ökade utsläpp, säger Jens Forsmark, samhällsgeograf som är engagerad i Svenska naturskyddsföreningen. För 14 år sedan gjorde svenskarna 8 procent av sina inköp i så kallade externa stormarknader - alltså köpcentrum som ligger utanför städerna. I dag står Sveriges 338 stormarknader för 30 procent av handeln.



Framtidens stormarknad digital och effektiv

Framtidens stormarknad har mindre försäljningsyta, kompletteras av e-handel och fungerar som fulfillment-center. Carrefours vision för 2020 ger en bild av morgondagens dagligvaruhandel. Vi har tittat närmare på den.



Retail location and urban resilience:

Towards a new framework for retail policy

Burcu H. Ozuduru and Jean-Michel Guldmann

This article reviews the literature on the interactions between retail activities and urban economic resilience with a primary focus on the U.S. The social, economic and environmental impacts of large-scale retail outlets on existing retail and urban systems and their sustainability have been extensively discussed in the urban planning literature. However, the survival of retail venues as a major land use, in a competitive, dynamic urban environment, has been discussed less. In particular, the adjustment of traditional city-center retailers facing an influx of new shopping venues is a timely issue. The literature offers a wide range of examples, from their disappearance to their role in the successful revitalization, vitality and viability of city centers, and their increased economic resilience. At the same time, the number of dead malls has been increasing in developed and developing countries, and in particular in the U.S., showing that large-scale shopping venues also need strategies for adaptation and change. This review explores the issues and policies that have altered urban dynamics in favor of traditional retailers and contributed to their resilience, identifies the role of the public sector in supporting city center revitalization, and develops a framework for the effective integration of retail planning into urban policy to enhance urban economic resilience.



Entry of External Shopping Centers: What happens to the revenues of firms located in the City Center?

Diana Hovsepyan

This thesis analyses whether there is any possible relationship between external shopping centers and city-center firms located in Swedish small cities from the perspective of their revenue level. The importance of this research question emerges as a result of a recent trend of business allocation from city centers towards edge-of-town areas. Newly established external shopping centers bring attractiveness to the local area; however, they prosper at the expense of city center businesses. As a result, city centers lose their attractiveness. This trend is especially harmful for small cities which usually do not have enough customer base to satisfy the demand required to support firms both located in the city centers and external shopping centers. Based on the firm level revenue data, a quantitative study is performed. According to main empirical findings a negative significant relationship is found between the revenue of city-center retailing firms and the revenue level of external shopping centers. However, no significant relationship is found for the firms belonging to the hospitality sector.



Assessing the impact of peripheral mega retail centres on traditional urban shopping centres

Aloys Borgers, Sanne van Swaaij and Ingrid Janssen

Recently, retail planning policy in the Netherlands has become much more liberal, probably stimulating the development of new (types of) out-of-town retail centres. This raises the question whether these new out-of-town retail centres will threaten existing retail centres. The purpose of this paper is to present a method to assess the likely effects of new peripheral retail centres on existing retail structures.

The method is based on the stated choice approach. Different realizations of an imaginary peripheral mega shopping centre are presented to respondents. The respondents have to estimate the number of times each existing shopping centre and the new imaginary peripheral centre would have been visited if the imaginary centre had existed. The following variables were used to define the imaginary peripheral retail centre: supply of six branches, distance from home to the peripheral centre, price-product quality ratio, design and ambiance, and entertainment. The results show that depending on its characteristics, a peripheral mega centre can have severe impact on existing shopping centres.



Centre or periphery?

Town planning and spatial political economy. (1994)

J B McLoughlin

The debate about urban and regional planning is polarised into two competing 'discourses' of town planning and political economy. I assert that the language and concepts of town planning continue to take precedence in both the field of practice and in teaching and research and that this is a most unsatisfactory state of affairs. Town planners relegate urban and regional political economy to the periphery and place town planning at the centre. This is a conservative situation in that most town planning education places great emphasis on plans and very little on 'how cities and regions work'. I recommend the abandonment of 'planning' education in favour of spatial political economy which might sit easiest in human geography.



America's Abandoned Malls



A New Life for Dead Malls

Developers have had to to get creative when it comes to salvaging America's failing shopping centers, turning them into hospitals, churches, and even parks.



Retail Location

Özge Öner


The thesis in hand presents four individual chapters, all of which explore the spatial aspects of the retail sector. The theoretical framework used in all four papers is vastly rooted in the urban and regional economics literature. Using novel data from Sweden for the application of various econometric methods, the thesis investigates (i) the distance sensitivity of demand and market reach for various types of retail activities, (ii) the spatial composition of retail markets and co-location patterns between the various branches of the sector, (iii) the spatial determinants of independent retailers’ productivity, and (iv) the relationship between the retail sector and place attractiveness.

The first paper (co-authored with Johan Klaesson) establishes a methodological framework for estimating distance decay and market accessibility for various types of retail activities given a lack of consumer data. The paper addresses the heterogeneous nature of the sector and provides a solid categorization for various types of retail activities. The second paper (co- authored with Johan P. Larsson) employs a unique empirical approach to characterize the location and co-location of retailers in the metropolitan markets. The analysis captures the co-location tendencies between various types of retailers at a highly disaggregated geographical level, where the importance of access to demand in the pertinent urban landscape is also accentuated.

In the third paper, I investigate the spatial determinants of retail productivity. The focus of the paper is on the influence of market size and regional hierarchy on the productivity of independent retailers. The results show a higher productivity premium from the immediate market potential for stores located in central markets compared to stores located in non-central markets. On the other hand, regional market potential isfound toplay an equally important role for the productivity of stores located both in central and non-central markets. In the fourth paper, I address the role of retail as an urban amenity. In the empirical analysis, to capture the relevance of consumption possibilities for place attractiveness, “access to stores” measures are constructed for both the municipal and regional levels. Although consumption possibilities in the region are found to be positively associated with the place attractiveness of both rural and city municipalities, store access in municipal market boundaries is found to be relevant only for the place attractiveness of city municipalities.



Medborgarupprop mot stormarknad på västra åstranden i Borgå